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Say Farewell to Your Muffin Top

Tighten up your core and look great in those pants without the fear of stomach spill over!


By Stef Callens


Plank exercises are the perfect way to strengthen core muscles. This workout is made up entirely of plank exercises, both strengthening and cardio bursts. The cardio  bursts will help raise your heart rate and burn the fat on top of your muscles. 


The Workout: You will need a timer for this workout - ideally one that allows you to alternate between 1 minute and 30 seconds intervals. The strengthening planks exercises are to each be done for 1 minute and  are immediately followed by a 30 second burst of cardio. Alternate between the strength and cardio exercises with no rest until the circuit is complete. Then, rest for 1 minute and repeat for a 20 minute workout. 


Since this is time based, rest when you need to but jump back in when you are ready. 

For more workouts like this one, click here to subscribe to the Trained By Stef YouTube channel.

Exercise 1

Plank on Hands 

Plank on your hands position means that you make sure your wrists are directly in line with your shoulders. Relax your neck by looking about a foot in front of your hands. Brace your core by contracting them as if someone were to punch you in the stomach. Press through your heels and contract your butt muscles.

Exercise 2

Plank Up/Down

Start in plank on your hands position (A). Starting with your right arm, lower down onto your forearms so that you are in forearm plank (B). Press back up starting your right arm so that you are back to plank on your hands position (A). Repeat starting with your left arm. Alternate between starting with your right and then left until the time is up.

Exercise 3

Mountain Climbers

Start in plank on your hands position (A). Without moving your upper body, bend your left knee in towards your chest (B). Immediately straighten left leg back into its starting position, while simultaneously bending your right knee in towards your chest. Repeat until the time is up. The faster you alternate bending your knees in, the more difficult the exercise is.  

Exercise 4

Donkey Kicks

Start in plank on your hands position (A). Round your back and push your butt in the air as you bend your left knee in towards your chest with your toes pointed (B). Immediately, straighten back into plank position as you kick your left knee behind you, foot flexed towards the ceiling (C). Repeat with your left leg for 30 seconds. Then, switch and use your right leg.

Exercise 5

Plank Jacks

Start in plank on your hands position (A). Without moving your upper body, jump both of your feet out as far as you can to the side (B). Then, jump back to starting position (A). Repeat for 30 seconds.

Exercise 6

Side Plank Toe Touch

Starting on your right side, place your hand on the ground directly underneath your shoulder. Stack your feet on top of each other. Press through your heels and brace your core. Raise your left arm over your head so it’s a long line between your head and toes (A). Keeping your leg straight, swing your left leg in front of your body towards your chest, while simultaneously reaching to touch your toe (B). Go back to starting position. Repeat for 30 seconds. Then, do the same on your left side.

Exercise 7


Start in plank on your hands position (A). Without moving your upper body, jump both your feet up towards your left elbow, landing with your knees bent (B). Jump both legs back to starting position. Then, jump to the right side (C). Continue jumping back and forth for 30 seconds.

Exercise 8

SPiderman Plank

Start in plank on your hands position (A). Without moving your upper body, bend your left knee up towards your left elbow (B). Straight your left leg back without touching the ground. Immediately, bring your left knee back in. Repeat for 30 seconds. Then, switch to using your right leg.

Exercise 9

Plank Drops

In forearm plank position, make sure your elbows are directly in line with your shoulders. Relax your neck by looking about a foot in front of your hands. Brace your core by contracting them as if someone were to punch you in the stomach. Press through your heels and contract your butt muscles (A). Without moving your upper body, dip your hips to the left (B). Then, dip your hips to the right. Continue alternating sides until the time is up.

Exercise 10

Side Plank Drop and Reach Under

Starting on your right side, place your hand on the ground directly underneath your shoulder. Stack your feet on top of each other. Press through your heels and brace your core. Raise your right arm overhead (A). Drop both your hips down towards the ground (B). Raise back up to your starting position, then reach your top hand underneath your body  while slightly hiking your hips upwards (C). Repeat for 30 seconds. Then switch to your left side.

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